Aqua Cooler is closed from the 20th December through to the 6th of January. For urgent Industrial Chiller problems please see refer to Aqua Chiller Support Website

Your Partner in Cool.


New Season Catalogue Out Now!

New Season Catalogue Out Now!

We’re proud to announce the launch of our latest catalogue update – Drinking Water Solutions. Featuring our ever popular Public Drinking Fountain range, along with our M and WM Series fountains, no matter your customer’s hydration requirement – we have a solution for you. Download the new catalogue here, and contact our team today if […]

Aqua Cooler Odyssey: Never purchase bottled water again!

In October Aqua Cooler, a proudly Australian owned drinking water and industrial chilling company is proud to launch the revolutionary Odyssey Series Water Cooler and Refillable Filtered Bottle, designed to prevent people purchasing bottled water. The Odyssey Series is a ground-breaking new range to accompany Aqua Cooler’s rising subdivision, ‘Aqua Cooler Direct’ to assist customers in buying products online. The Odyssey is part of an initiative […]

The Benefits of Filtered Water

Filtered water is particularly beneficial to your health and wellbeing. When given the choice to drink filtered or non-filtered water, consider the following points that could influence your decision. Human bodies are made up of approximately 60% water. Nevertheless, people are continually losing water, mainly through urine and sweat and become dehydrated quickly. Drinking filtered […]